I could not be happier to report that Evelyn May arrived into this wonderful world on Friday, July 24th. She is a picture of health and beauty, we are grateful to be so lucky.
I've been waiting for an unbeliveable anxiety to settle in about being in the unique situation of having two kids under two, but it hasn't happened. I was really thinking there would be a moment where I would be driving around and then suddenly find myself in a full-blown panic attack about how we are going to be able to manage raising a 15 month-old and a newborn girl. I pictured a meltdown worrying about how we will afford diapers, how are we going to find the time to do anything but change those diapers, how will we find sleep and what the hell have we done? I am surprised to report that I have yet to freak out about those things, rather, I am freaked out that this is going to move by too fast.
Six days after Evelyn was born, Mandy and I scheduled a two-for-one pediatrician appointment for the babies. Evelyn went first, I put her on the baby scale, got her height, measured her head and then set her up with a fresh diaper. Then it was Dylan's turn, and he put up a struggle, talked the whole time and by the end I realized that I was putting a diaper on a person, not a baby. How could my little baby become a little boy overnight? Was it just because Evelyn is so tiny and delicate compared to Dylan? Nope, I've come to the realization that Dylan is becoming a toddler. What the hell is going on here?
I can honestly say that this crazy little period of our lives is the most fun I have ever had. Sure Evelyn is a great sleeper, so we have not experienced the all-night crying fits, but who cares if we do? This is it, and when it is over there is no coming back to this moment. I can't understand how anyone can complain about the stress of raising little kids, this is fantastic and it is going to be over in the blink of an eye. I've never been overly nostalgic about things, but I know for a fact that I will look back at this moment as being the pinnacle moment of my life. I'll sit in a wheelchair in my own poop when I'm 90 years old with a smile on my face, remembering the joy I found from my little ones.
I once heard someone say, "Kids spell love T-I-M-E", and I'm quickly learning parents spell it the same way too..